Seaming Instructions
1. Must have seams cut, correctly spaced, and open, ready for glue.
2. Place seaming tape so that the center of the fabric is aligned with the center of the seam.
3. Remove the lids from both part a and part b of adhesive with a screwdriver.
4. Pour all of part b (small quart can) into the part a (1 gallon can).
5. Mix thoroughly, at least 3 minutes, preferably using a drill with a mixing paddle.
6. Apply the adhesive to the seaming tape using a 1/4” trowel.
7. Swirl the glue to coat the seaming tape making sure the actual seam is coated generously.
8. Directly apply the carpet to the wet adhesive and make any needed adjustments to your seam as they have a tendency to move slightly. At this point the adhesive will not be sticky, it will be greasy so if adjustments are needed the carpet bonding has not begun.
9. The adhesive will start to get tacky and start thickening after approx. 15 minutes depending on temperature. Once the adhesive is gummy and begins to grip the turf, roll your seam or walk your seam at this time. Do not roll your seam when the adhesive is still in a liquid state, you must wait for it to have that gum appearance.
10. On very hot days, the adhesive will be fully cured in approx. 30 minutes. Colder days approx. 60 minutes.